Monday, November 5, 2007

The Daily Grind

My purpose today is not so interesting. Cleaning! Yup, cleaning, laundry, freezing peppers. Try not to get too excited. The laundry pile is getting so high that soon they'll be forming parties to climb It instead of Everest.

Speaking of parties, we had 2 this weekend. "Bananas" went to a bowling party for a friend from school. Her very first time bowling and her very first time rolling that ball down the lane she knocked down every pin but one. She was quite excited and enjoyed all the kids saying "Way to go!" Even so, I think she had more fun running in circles, slipping with those bowling shoes, and falling down with her "BFF" that you met at our Halloween party.

Saturday night we picked the last of the peppers from the garden. TONS OF PEPPERS! Hot, sweet, bell. Now they need freezing or we won't be able to use the kitchen table for a while.

Now, off I go to my tasks for the day. See why the painting never gets started?


Anonymous said...

I was expecting some photos of that table full of peppers...but I guess that might defeat the purpose of you getting your work done. I guess I'll just use my imagination! Sista L

pam said...

I couldn't bare to show the mess! The blog is definitely more interesting with photos though.