Friday, October 26, 2007

In Need of Tips

So I'm working over the whole painting of the hall project and I could use some helpful tips. It's a weird space. There's a large victorian staircase that wraps around and creates a 2-story area that definitely won't be reachable from the floor. Do I use a really long roller or special ladder or grow some wings? And how do you decide where the wall color should stop? the stairs go up to a hall that spans the entire length of the upstairs. It does make a turn though. Maybe I should just stop at the turn then. So, any other helpful hints are definitely appreciated.


Anonymous said...

On some of the projects you need to get some slaves to help like the windows and I could nbe part of the slave team.

In the front hall the ceiling needs to be done from a tall ladder and I could help in my slave status on this.
Where to stop the color for the walls, I had the same issue in my front hall and I added moldings, not only to
protect the ends but also to have a place to sedperate a color

Anonymous said...

The slave that left the comment needs to come forward if I'm going to get any work out of (him?)

Anonymous said...

Pam Pam Pam- I thought you knew that I do Interior Decorating for a living?? I would be more than happy to help you decide where to stop the paint. I also painted my cabinets and I would be more than happy to help you!! Let me know. I will come over for coffee one morning and get started!! Please use my help.


Anonymous said...

So not only would you be slave labor but a pregnant slave. Could I really live with myself?! Discussions and decisions you'll definitely be used for but no labor for you until it's time for the REAL thing!