Friday, October 9, 2009

While I'm at it. . .

I'm taking a class on Pompeii and Herculaneum and I came across a fabulous website with spectacular photos, interactive maps and a ton of information. I believe it is a great website for students and travelers who may be heading to Italy. The link is Please check it out. It was created by a single person in his spare time and it is out of this world. And leave a comment that Pam sent you.



WOW! It has really been a long time since my last post. Between husband, kids, house and college, my head is just spinning. I can't wait until October ends and there is no more cheerleading until next year. That is just sapping every last ounce of energy from me. I'd love to hear how other Moms stay organized and manage their time when you're constantly in and out. It seems I'm never home long enough to get anything finished. Please send me your best ideas to stay organized and sane.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In Need of a Response, in more ways than one

I have this "reading response" paper due in a week and I could use some tips. I need to create an annotated bibliography for 5 different reading. My problem is deciding what the dam thesis statement is in any given reading. They seem to drag on and on for a million or so words that I could probably state in a few hundred. So what are your tips for honing in on the central point in a "critical" reading?


Thursday, March 27, 2008


Had class last night and got my mid-term back. First mid-term since 1994. Want to know how I did? I got an 88 3/4. Yes, you heard it right, 3/4. 1/4 point taken off for the oversight of putting "self portrait" in the title of one of the paintings. Whatever! This is the first time that I'm not either embarrassed by my grade or going "whew!" I think I did well for being out of the school thing for so long.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Class Tonight

Tonight's the last class before my midterm. I'm getting ill already. Anybody have any ADD helpful study tips out there? Feel free to leave them. I could use all the help I can get! And then send some to get my house organized and what you do daily to keep it that way. I really need to set up a daily routine and stick to it. There's the problem spot. Stick to it. HA! Isn't that ADD in a nutshell? If I could stick to it, I wouldn't be ADD.

Whatever! I'm trying. Sometimes better than others.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nothing Exciting

Not a very exciting day. Just a bunch of running around and hurray, I finally went to the dentist. No, I won't say how long it's been. Just suffice to say, it's been TOO long. Needless to say, I was worried about what news they might give me. I was pretty sure I was to the point where all my teeth would need to be removed! But, thank you dear Lord, NO CAVITIES! I can't believe it. I was actually going to make them recheck just to be sure but why look a gift horse in the mouth? So now I can finally get back on track with that and move forward. Next appointment to catch up on. . . . regular checkup. I'm so bad about my appointments. It's quite annoying to me and I'm still bad about it.

And by the way, my front hall still looks like it did in the picture I posted a while ago. Nice green paint test spot and all.

Has anyone read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle? I was checking out the worldwide webclass that Oprah's doing. It looks interesting and I picked up the book today too. Let me know if you saw it or read it and what you think. (If anyone's listening, that is)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Checking In

So let's see who's listening. It's obviousely been quite some time since my last post. SORRY! At that point I was still waiting to hear from Rutgers. I am now on my 6th class this week. I guess that's partly why I haven't posted. (Besides the usual ADD symptoms) So my first class back at school is on Impressionism. I've already handed in my first paper and in another week is the mid-term and then SPRING BREAK. Hmmmm, where should I go? Yea, right? I wish. No harm in dreaming though. So soon it will be 3 credits down, 15 more to go!

I'm still the basket nut so feel free to check out my website:

Longaberger products just seem to get more beautiful and useful all the time. How DO they do it?!

So I know who has checked in, please leave a comment for me!